Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day in the Lab

A couple of pictures I took today of different activities going on in the lab. The first is a visiting scientist working with Youping on lipid extractions. The second is a Master's student studying methane oxidation in sediments (we are using labeled methane and then tracing the respired CO2 over time)

Lipid extraction from plant leaves:

Methane oxidation in soils exposed to copper:

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Newly Funded Project

 Landscape-scale biodiversity and the balancing of provisioning, regulating, and supporting ecosystem services (BASIL)

This project is funded through a highly competitive European call (BiodivERsA/FACCE-JPI) that addresses the supporting role of biodiversity in agricultural production systems within the context of global change.

This project is a collaboration between 4 German partners (ZALF, FU, U. Potsdam, U. Göttingen), 2 Spanish partners (Spanish National Research Council, U. Lleida), 1 French partner (INRA) and 1 Swiss partner (WSL).

The project is ambitious in scope as we will try to join the links between biodiversity and agroecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. 

Graphic of the project structure (© K. Pirhofer-Walzl)

We will also analyze landscape traits to determine the necessary level of integration of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes that might lead to improved economic and environmental sustainability. 

I plan on using isotopes to help quantify the important belowground and aquatic processes across the landscape. I hope to bring resolution to some of the mechanisms we may find in the field by performing  mesocosm and pot experiments.

Controlled plant-soil experiment within a climate chamber.

We also address national policy and governance that have significant impacts on environmental and economic sustainability. We would like to know how these policies direct agricultural landscape management.